Now, if you are anything like me (probably not) then you would leave your homework till the last minute.
Now here are my reasons why they need to ban homework...
.This above is so true, they always talk about saving trees but they want us to use as much paper as possible because they probably think that leaves fall off trees too much. And when that happens they need to pay the caretaker more to clean it up which means less money for "stuff"
(Stuff can mean a lot of different things but I am not going to say them as I might get into a bit of trouble when a teacher reads this)
.When most people do their homework, they chew on their pencil rubber. When you chew millions of germs flow into your mouth which COULD create sickness and that leaves to less school time.
(you did not think about that one schoolie did you?)
.Now, I feel very sleepy when I do my homework. but if you fall asleep when about I dunno, five o'clock and you wake up at two in the morning you're gonna feel a bit hungry. By when you normally press the snooze button the fridge will be empty. Keep doing this and soon your parents will be out of pocket.
(that means you cannot get that I phone you wanted)
This also means that they will not buy as much uniform. Ofstead will not be happy with a fifteen year old wearing a year seven blazer.
.I cannot deny I have done this with my hands. There is something called gravity and after about ten minuted you will start to feel pins and needles as the blood rushes down. In EXTREME cases the blood circulation could cut off. This means your hands could be forever paralysed meaning you cannot write.
(School consists of writing and with home work you will automatically do this, I know I do)
.I admit it, I procrastinate which is very bad for your brain apparently. Studies just made by me about one second ago shows that homework makes you procrastinate more because you are so bored.So that means school are PROMOTING procrastination by giving you homework.
(Procrastinating is when you doodle and write things into calculators and text books ect)
.Homework is so boring. They are always telling us to be active and keep fit. If we are doing homework all night how can we do this. They are promoting a unhealthy generation.
(this reason does not need brackets, its self explanatory)
.We spend to much time at school anyway. Why should we do school work at home? Home is for sleeping, eating relaxing, watching crappy soaps. A home is not meant for homework. There should be no such word as work in a house (home run businesses and chores are not included)
I get to many chores anyway.
The purposes of these excuses were for comedic purposes, not to scare anyone. If you liked this post then spread the word. Hope to see ya next time